Warren Buffett’s Letters and Shareholder Meetings

Listening to Warren Buffett in Berkshire Hathaway’s shareholder meetings and reading his letters is nothing short of a revelation. These letters and meetings are a masterclass in business acumen, investment philosophy, and the art of value creation.


Buffett’s letters are folksy, authentic, and have a lot of wisdom. His down-to-earth explanations offer a refreshing contrast to the often jargon-laden world of finance.


The letters are also full of transparency and candor. He openly shares both successes and failures, providing invaluable lessons on the importance of honesty, integrity, and accountability in business. His ability to learn from mistakes and adapt his strategies over time underscores his remarkable growth as an investor and business leader.


What truly sets these letters apart is Buffett’s profound investment philosophy. His emphasis on long-term thinking, the acquisition of quality businesses, and the intrinsic value of companies resonates deeply. As I delved deeper into each letter, I found myself gaining a deeper appreciation for the power of compounding, the significance of a durable competitive advantage, and the art of recognizing undervalued assets.


Moreover, these letters offer a fascinating window into the ever-changing economic landscape. Letters from the 1970s are full of discussion about economics of textile and insurance industries and the impact of inflation on equity returns. The letters from the 1980s and 1990s shift into discussion of media, consumer goods, and banks. Letters from this century offer great lessons in global opportunities and danger of derivatives and leverage. Buffett’s insights into market trends, macroeconomic conditions, and the ebbs and flows of industries provide a historical perspective that enhances our understanding of the global economy.


Buffett also wrote letters in his partnerships days (1950-60s) before he started running Berkshire Hathaway and they are equally interesting. My favorite letters are where he provides detailed explanations on some of his early investment ideas (e.g. Dempster Mill, Sanborn Maps etc.)


Berkshire Hathaway’s shareholder meetings (especially the Q&A sessions) from 1994 onwards provide a further treasure trove of insights. The archives of these videos were private for a long time and have now become publicly accessible. Witnessing these discussions firsthand feels like participating in a masterclass led by two of the world’s foremost financial minds.